all postcodes in HD3 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD3 4AA 39 3 53.650465 -1.808599
HD3 4AB 35 9 53.650186 -1.810659
HD3 4AE 32 0 53.651213 -1.810199
HD3 4AF 11 0 53.650952 -1.809746
HD3 4AG 4 0 53.650914 -1.814104
HD3 4AH 12 2 53.651608 -1.809713
HD3 4AJ 28 3 53.652433 -1.814354
HD3 4AL 37 2 53.65194 -1.814901
HD3 4AN 34 0 53.65073 -1.811502
HD3 4AP 29 0 53.649794 -1.812551
HD3 4AQ 8 2 53.651364 -1.810517
HD3 4AR 70 0 53.650481 -1.813213
HD3 4AS 3 0 53.649754 -1.814124
HD3 4AT 8 0 53.649409 -1.811811
HD3 4AU 39 2 53.649071 -1.813779
HD3 4AW 10 0 53.651058 -1.810791
HD3 4AX 16 0 53.650231 -1.814394
HD3 4AY 9 0 53.651283 -1.814647
HD3 4AZ 50 0 53.650952 -1.81551
HD3 4BA 18 0 53.650945 -1.816887